Post by The Echokip on Nov 25, 2014 16:24:42 GMT -8
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Yoooooo. 'Sup? Thanks for checking this link out, have a coffee and some chips to celebrate!
Here at No Regrets, I'm one of your admins. I'm like all of you - except I have the the additional responsibility that is making sure that everything runs smoothly. And that's about it. Staff or no staff, everyone's the same here!
I go by the name The Echokip, which is short for Echo the Mudkip. Really, Echo is just fine too. I'm typically pretty chill but if you needed a word to describe me, random would be it. Oh, and I'm a big Seahawks fan. Been one for like, 3 months but you know what, I STILL COUNT. TWELFIES UNITE!
I'm an engineering major and I'm living in the lovely state of Washington, which puts me at the PST timezone. If you really needed, I could probably give you the time differences in hours off the top of my head - one of the random things I know. Despite not being too good at math, I actually enjoy it. What's life without a little bit of challenge after all?
That's pretty much my philosophy too! I look for challenges in my writing and in my school life. Thinking outside the box, solving problems, exploring things? I'm your girl. I try to be rational and I think almost too quickly sometimes. Many of my friends often complain I think at a completely different level, especially since I'm THAT person. You know, that impulsive person that thinks of crazy but still well thought out plans in a second? Yeah. That's me. My roommates have started calling them my crazy Friday Ideas.
Style-wise, I'm a minimalist. If it doesn't have to be there, chances are it won't be there. This applies to pretty much every aspect of my life, as well as my writing. That, however, doesn't mean that I'm going to be lazy or skimming off the top of my activities. I believe in minimalism but I also believe in tastefulness. I'm a third culture kid and proud of it!
If you ever want to talk, just hit me up. I'm always up for an intelligent conversation. If we can switch it up between just regular banter and smart stuff? Even more awesome. I'm a knowledge junkie. Sue me. Not really though. Want to know more about me? Ask!
If you want a roleplay, click the link to my search thread and see what I'm all about. Want to explore something? Shoot a PM my way.
If you need some art, check out my deviantART. If you like my style, contact me about it and see if we can work something out!
need a tl;dr version? you got it!
I'm pretty awesome. ;D
Maaaaaajor Seahawks fan. Don't diss the Seahawks. It's non-excusable.
I chat, I roleplay and I make art. Ask me for more information.
Come join us and have tons of funs! (Yes, it's PLURAL NOW. FUNS. That's the intensity of it.)